

ToDo Important Topics To Cover

  • Example Project

  • Adding Recipes to the Build System

  • Adding New Recipes to the Build System

  • Build an Example Package based on a Git Repository Commit

  • Build an example package based on a Remote Source Archive

  • Build an example package based on a Local Source Archive

ToDo Explain Linux Kernel Version, do we have this under Operating System?, Explain how we give support ot Linux Kernel

Kernel Interfaces

SFI Simple Firmware Interface

How does SFI relate to ACPI? While some modern platforms can used SFI instead of using ACPI, SFI is not intended to replace ACPI on general purpose systems. If a platform were to export both SFI and ACPI booted an OS that also supports both, the OS should use the platform's ACPI support and ignore SFI.

    User Linux Next
    git clone git://
    v4.1-rc6 tag, mrproper'd and rebuilt,



    root@edison:~# rfcomm bind - 40:78:6A:26:4A:C2 1
    root@edison:~# ls /dev/rfcomm0





    root@edison:~# journalctl 
    root@edison:~# cat /etc/modprobe.d/bcm4334x.conf 
    options bcm4334x firmware_path=/etc/firmware/fw_bcmdhd.bin nvram_path=/etc/firmware/ op_mode=4
    root@edison:~# cat /etc/modprobe.d/g_multi.conf  
    options g_multi file=/dev/mmcblk0p9 stall=0 idVendor=0x8087 idProduct=0x0A9E iProduct=Edison iManufacturer=Intel



```sh sudo modprobe -v snd_usb_audio sudo modprobe --force-vermagic snd-usb-audio.ko sudo depmod -a sudo alsactl init sudo alsa-utils stop/start sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base cat /dev/sndstat cat /proc/asound/cards


Under investigation?

user@host:~$ tar xvf edison-src-weekly-68.tgz
user@host:~$ ls edison-src
arduino  broadcom_cws  device-software  mw


user@host:~$ cd edison-src/meta-intel-edison/
user@host:~$ git clone
user@host:~$ cd meta-openembedded/
user@host:~$ git checkout fido
user@host:~$ cd ../../
user@host:~$ nano out/current/build/conf/bblayers.conf
/home/xe1gyq/Projects/edison-src/meta-intel-edison/meta-openembedded \
user@host:~$ nano meta-intel-edison/meta-intel-edison-distro/recipes-core/images/
IMAGE_INSTALL += “opencv”
PACKAGECONFIG_pn-opencv="eigen jpeg libav png tiff v4l”
user@host:~$ cd out/current
user@host:~$ source poky/oe-init-build-env
user@host:~$ bitbake edison-image

Last updated