



Billions and Billions. The open data platform for the Internet of Things

Launched by the creators of Matlab, this is a versatile open source platform and API that allows developers and app designers to gather data from sensors and other sources, analyze and visualize it. If you’re familiar with Matlab, this is going to be a breeze; if not, ThingSpeak doesn’t seem too hard to learn, especially with good tutorials and documentation. The whole thing works around concepts of channels that store data and apps, which can transform and visualize it. What else is good about it is that the platform is completely free to use.


Code the Internet of Everything, Your Software Stack for Connected Devices. Generate production-ready code. Connect hardware instantly. Enhance and extend devices with our cloud.

Create, make, code the Internet of everything. Another API arbiter is called Temboo. This platform acts as a layer on top of third-party APIs, using code snippets to trigger complex processes that run through their cloud platform. Code snippets are added to your device code, perhaps on an Arduino Yun, and present a common methodology of function calls across a broad range of APIs. Code snippets are same format between different APIs. Temboo also tries to shield developers from having to maintain APIs on each device. If you know how to use Temboo for one application, you know how to use it for all.


Build and scale realtime Apps for connected devices using PubNub global data stream network for IoT, Mobile, and web applications.

PubNub Homepage


Power modern communications. Build the next generation of voice and SMS applications.


A vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software for your home. Build your smart home in no time!


Weaved is an advanced firewall and VPN solution, that provides a direct secure tunnel connection, that talks TCP/IP. Because of this standard interface, remote administration is just like you’re directly on the machine. Use SSH? Just connect. VNC or RDP, just use those applications. Think of Weaved as a plug-in for all the services on your remote device, that allows each of them to be directly available to you from anywhere.


Plotly is an online analytics and data visualization tool, headquartered in Montreal, Quebec. Plotly provides online graphing, analytics, and stats tools for individuals and collaboration, as well as scientific graphing libraries for Python, R, MATLAB, Perl, Julia, Arduino, and REST.


Gain insights from your products and customers to unlock the value of the IoT for your business.

Clound Foundry

The Cloud Foundry Certified PaaS program gives you the confidence of knowing your applications and skills are portable across certified providers.

Cloud Foundry gives companies the speed, simplicity and control they need to develop and deploy applications faster and easier.

Cloud Foundry Is Built On An Open Architecture offering the following features:

  • Router Routes incoming traffic to the appropriate component, usually the Cloud Controller or a running application on a DEA node.

  • OAuth2 server authentication The OAuth2 server and Login Server work together to provide identity management.

  • Cloud Controller The Cloud Controller is responsible for managing the lifecycle of applications.

  • HM9000 HM9000 monitors, determines and reconciles applications to determine their state, version and number of instances, and directs Cloud Controller to take action to correct any discrepancies.

    Droplet Execution Agent

  • Application Execution (DEA) The Droplet Execution Agent manages application instances, tracks started instances, and broadcasts state messages.

  • Blob Store The blob store holds, application code, buildpacks and droplets.

  • Service Brokers When a developer provisions and binds a service to an application, the service broker for that service is responsible for providing the service instance.

  • Message Bus Cloud Foundry uses NATS, a lightweight publish-subscribe and distributed queueing messaging system, for internal communication between components.

    global perception study

  • Logging and Statistics The metrics collector gathers metrics from the components. Operators can use this information to monitor an instance of Cloud Foundry.

IBM Internet of Things Foundation for Python

ibmiot IBM Watson IoT Platform Client for Python

    root@board:~# pip install ibmiotf
    root@board:~# git clone
    Cloning into 'iot-python'...
    remote: Counting objects: 1501, done.
    remote: Total 1501 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1501
    Receiving objects: 100% (1501/1501), 574.55 KiB | 212.00 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (882/882), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.
    root@board:~# cd iot-python/
    root@board:~/iot-python# ls
    CHANGES.txt  LICENSE      README.rst  samples      src
    root@board:~/iot-python# python install
    running install
    running bdist_egg
    running egg_info
    Using /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    Finished processing dependencies for ibmiotf==0.1.9
    root@board:~/iot-python# cd samples
    root@board:~/iot-python/samples# ls
    apiExamples          helloWorld           psutil
    cli                  httpsSupport         simpleApp
    customMessageFormat  managedDevice
    gatewayExamples      managedGateway
    root@board:~/iot-python/samples# cd helloWorld/
    root@board:~/iot-python/samples/helloWorld# ls
    root@board:~/iot-python/samples/helloWorld# python
    2016-03-05 18:46:48,839   ibmiotf.application.Client  INFO    Connected successfully: a:quickstart:6788e5b2-r
    2016-03-05 18:46:49,069   ibmiotf.device.Client      INFO    Connected successfully: d:quickstart:helloWorld6
    ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 81, in <module>
    root@board:~/iot-python/samples/helloWorld# cd ../psutil
    root@edison:~/iot-python/samples/psutil# python
    2016-03-05 18:51:44,770   ibmiotf.device.Client      INFO    Connected successfully: d:quickstart:sample-iotL
    (Press Ctrl+C to disconnect)



Cloud Based Solutions Cloud Foundry & Open Stack

Intel® IoT Developer Kit Cloud-based Analytics

Intel provides a cloud-based analytics system for the Internet-of-Things (IoT) that includes resources for the collection and analysis of sensor data that the Intel® IoT Developer Kit provides. Using this service, Intel Galileo/Edison device developers can jump-start data acquisition and analysis without having to invest in large-scale storage and processing capacity.

# Create an account
# In Edison / Galileo
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin initialize  
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin reset-components  
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin test
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin device-id
# From, add a New Device
# From, get Activation Code
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin activate <Activation Code from Webpage>
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin catalog
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin register temp temperature.v1.0
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin observation temp 35
root@galileo:~# iotkit-admin observation temp 30

Intel® Trusted Analytics Platform

Intel® Mashery

Provides infrastructure that helps media companies develop, publish, and manage application programming interfaces, or APIs, which allow outside developers to incorporate another company’s content into their products.

Intel® Discovery Peak

A Platform-as-a-Service cloud stack for data scientists and application developers to build and operate domain-specific applications driven by data analysis at scale.

Wind River Internet of Things

Explore our insights into the challenges and opportunities being created by the Internet of Things (IoT) as it brings together the physical and digital worlds.


Create amazing products and services with our Internet of Things Platform. Connect your things to the Internet easily. Build your intelligent apps with Carriots in 5 steps. Carriots Homepage


Amazon Web Services

The Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing a world of connected devices and information online. Whether you are creating real-time forecasts with millions of weather sensors around the world or inputing human genomic data from DNA sequencers, Amazon Web Services provides the services, security, and support to connect the Internet of Things on a global scale.

Intel Edison at AWS

Other Boards at AWS

Last updated