Coursera is a venture-backed, for-profit, educational technology company that offers massive open online courses (MOOCs). Coursera works with universities and other organizations to make some of their courses available online, offering courses in subjects such as physics, engineering, humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business, computer science, digital marketing, and data science, among others. Wikipedia
Internet of Things: How did we get here?
Circuit Switched Networks
Packet Switched Networks
Computer Telephony
Wireless Technologies
Features and Apps
Future Outlook
Internet of Things: Setting Up Your DragonBoard™ Development Platform
Board Bring up
Setting up your Developing Environment
Changing your Operating System
Rescuing your Bricked Board
Creating your First Application
Native Development Kit (NDK)
CALIT2 Bird Application
Monitoring your DragonBoard™ 410c
Internet of Things: Sensing and Actuation From Devices
GPIO Programming
Amplifier Build
Stepper Motors
LED Block
Infrared Sensors
Bluetooth Remote
DragonBoard™ 410c Monitoring and Control
Internet of Things: Communication Technologies
VOIP in a Nutshell
Make your own VoIP application
Internet of Things: Multimedia Technologies
Computer Vision and our Application
Internet of Things Capstone: Build a Mobile Surveillance System
Capstone, Part 1 - Getting ready
Capstone, Part 2 - Getting set up
Final - The last module
Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
Embedded Systems
Hardware and Software
Networking and the Internet
The Arduino Platform and C Programming
Arduino Environment
C Programming
Arduino Programs
Interfacing with the Arduino
Basics of hardware design and wiring
Sensors and Actuators
Software libraries with an Arduino sketch
Arduino shields
The Raspberry Pi Platform and Python Programming for the Raspberry Pi
Basic functionality the Raspberry Pi B+
Basics of Linux
Basics of the Python programming language
Communication with devices through the pins of the Raspberry Pi
Interfacing with the Raspberry Pi
The use of the Raspberry Pi to connect to the Internet
The networking socket interface
How to have your Raspberry Pi interact with online services through the use of public APIs and SDKs
Interface with more complicated sensors and actuators
Programming for the Internet of Things Capstone
Selecting an idea for your Capstone project
Turn your attention to the system-level design of your project.
Important aspects of a test plan for your design.
Building out and then demonstrating your final project
Introduction to the course
Welcome to A developer's guide to the Internet of Things
Course Prerequisites
Overview of Internet of Things
Rapid application development in the cloud
Introduction to IBM Bluemix
Overview of Cloud Computing
Introduction to NodeRED
The NodeRED Function node
NodeRED Additional node
Rapid application development on a Raspberry Pi
Quick look at devices and sensor options
Setting up a Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Sense Hat
NodeRED on Raspberry Pi
Watson Internet of Things platform
Sending commands to a device
SenseHAT and SenseHAT simulator nodes in NodeRED
Lower level programming for the Internet of Things
IoT platform APIs
SenseHAT python API
Watson IoT APIs
Deploying an application to Bluemix
Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things
Welcome to Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things!
Welcome to the Internet of Things!
What is the Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things – Promise for the Future? An Introduction
Internet of Things to generate 400 zettabytes of data by 2018
Internet of Things – New security and privacy challenges
How Organizations Address IoT
IoT in the Business World
The Growth of IoT
IoT and the Industrial Sector
IoT and its Use in Organizations
IoT and Organizational Risks
The Future of Corporate IoT
Industrial Sector and IoT: A Second Look
IoT and the Connected Home
Common IoT devices in use in a modern “connected home”
Smart Community: An Internet of Things Application
Big security and privacy-related issues
How IoT is challenging enterprise security
IoT and the Future of the Connected Home
Your Connected Home
IoT and Consumer Wearables
Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Wearable Computing, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2.0
CES 2016: Fashion meets function in smartwatches, fitness trackers and other wearables
Wearable Technology and the Internet of Things
Regulating the Internet of Things: First Steps Toward Managing Discrimination, Privacy, Security, and Consent
The Wearable Invasion
Getting to know Software Architecture
Design process and software requirements
Quality Attributes
Last updated