Microsoft IoT Platform: Architecture Overview
The Internet of Your Things is here. Architects, Developers, Analysts and LOB IT want to understand the architecture required to realize the art of the possible with big data insight, and the value of unlocking data from the most basic of sensors, intelligent edge devices and non-traditional assets. Microsoft Azure as a platform delivers the capabilities to enable your IoT solution from building blocks through to finished services. In this demonstration rich session you will learn about Microsoft’s position on IoT, and the technology and services being delivered from Microsoft to help you develop, connect, manage and unlock data insights. This session will provide an architecture overview of Microsoft’s IoT capabilities to help you understand the technology involved in building an IoT solution today. Microsoft IoT Platform: Architecture Overview
What is the Internet of Things?
The network of physical objects that contain embedded technology to communicate and interact with their external states or the external environment. Gartner Definition
20 billion devices by 2020. Gartner
Microsoft's View
The Internet of Things starts with Your Things
Build on infrastructure you already have
Add more devices to the ones you already own
Get more from the data that already exists
Stop just running your business. Start making it thrive. start realizing the potential of the Internet of your Things.
The duopoly that continues to drive this change
Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. Wikipedia Moore's Law
Metcalfe's law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2). Wikipedia Metcalf's Law
Microsoft Internet Of Your Things
Microsoft's Approach to IoT
You have devices on the network edge
Basic Sensors
Intelligent Devices
Plant Floor Things
Back Office Things
Supply Chain Things
That provide you data
Table Storage
Blob Storage
SQL Database
External Storage
That you understand, apply rules, models and more...
Event Hub (Service Bus)
Command and Control
Last updated